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Fiberlogy PA12-CF15
The PA12+CF presents another facet of the technical capabilities of the PA12 filament, which has been further enhanced by the addition of 15% long carbon fiber.
It has high thermal resistance and reduced shrinkage compared to unmodified Nylon PA12. The use of carbon fiber reduces the weight of the component while maintaining its high structural rigidity.
The PA12+CF will be used in the automotive industry and engineering for the creation of advanced prototypes, drones and end products requiring increased durability and reduced weight.
It is currently the filament most used by BRS-Engineering, due to its quality, mechanical and thermal versatility and regularity.
Due to the longer fibers inside the PA, part has a specific grain on the surface finish, compared to a PCCF with CF powder. This contribute to the very high tensile resistance of this material.
*The composite materials printed by BRS-ENGINEERING follow a drying + annealing treatment in systematically controlled environment.
Price: +++

Polymaker PA6CF15
PolyMide PA6-CF is a carbon fiber reinforced PA6 (Nylon 6) filament. Carbon fiber reinforcement greatly improves stiffness, strength and heat resistance with exceptional layer adhesion.
Compared to PA12-CF15, It offers superior hardness and mechanical and thermal resistance. Actually the higher temp resistance polymer available at BRS before PS, PEKK and PEEK ranges.
BRS-Engineering, all PA6 are annealed to increase the intrinsic mechanical resistances
*Turn composite materials printed by BRS-ENGINEERING follow a drying + annealing treatment in systematically controlled environment.
Price: ++++

Fiberlogy PA12-GF15
PA12+GF15 is a derivative of Nylon PA12. It is reinforced by the incorporation of long fiberglass (GF), which represents 15% of the product. This addition significantly increases its toughness, stiffness, and thermal and chemical resistance compared to pure nylon.
The PA12+GF15 has a stiffness of 3.6 GPa and a temperature resistance up to about 170°C.Unlike nylon with the addition of carbon fibers, PA12+CF15, this filament offers greater flexibility, which makes it perfect for applications operating under variable loads and exposed to shocks.
The very low shrinkage ensures high dimensional stability, which, combined with high toughness, Achieves technical excellence in domestic conditions.
This filament does not require a heated chamber. However, due to the high abrasiveness, steel or ruby nozzles must be used for printing to avoid excessive wear. *The composite materials printed by BRS-ENGINEERING follow a drying + annealing treatment in systematically controlled environment.
Price: +++

Fiberlogy ASA
Thanks to its resistance to UV rays, high temperatures and humidity, ASA is a perfect choice for all 3D printing applications that can be exposed to different weather conditions.
The high mechanical and thermal resistance (even up to 94°C) as well as the ease of printing make this material the successor of ABS, ensuring its popularity in the automotive sector and in the production of everyday objects.
Contraction significantly lower than ABS, ASA (acrylonitrile styrene acrylate) deforms significantly less, it also has good stability of printing dimensions.
Price: ++

Prusament PCCF
Prusament PC Blend Carbon Fiber (PCCF) is a PC Blend filled with carbon fibers to improve its strength, toughness and temperature resistance. Unlike the unmodified PC Blend, PCCF comes with great dimensional stability, good resistance to UV light and common chemicals, better tensile strength and toughness, but most importantly with high-temperature resistance.
Chopped carbon fibers beeing more tiny, and PC vs PA specifications, it has a less tensile resistance and temperature resistance than the PA12CF15, PA6CF and PA12GF, on the other hand the finer shopped carbon fibers offers a smoother surface finish than those materials
Price: ++++
Battle of composites, what to choose? Sorted from High to low
Heat resistance
- PA6CF +++++
- PA12CF ++++
- PA12GF ++++
- PCCF ++
- ASA +
Tensile str
- PA6CF +++++
- PA12CF ++++
- PA12GF ++++
- PCCF ++
- ASA +
Surface finish
- PCCF +++++
- PA6CF +++
- PA12CF +++
- PA12GF +++
- ASA ++
- PCCF ++++
- PA6CF ++++
- PA12CF +++
- PA12GF +++
- ASA ++
- ASA +++++
- PA12CF ++++
- PA12GF ++++
- PA6CF ++
- PCCF +
Overall resistance
- PA12CF ++++
- PA6CF +++
- PA12GF +++
- PCCF ++
- ASA +