Objective of the build
Only made of high quality hardware with a quality build assembly made at BRS-ENGINEERING. Aluminium brushed plates, Blind joined frame
Production focused
Ballscrews set to gain repetability, low maintenance, and high precision. 0.6mm Tungsten carbide nozzle for optimal polyvalence. All metal build for the toolhead, PA12CF parts for durability
Performance oriented
BRS-AWD, +-13000mm*s² of acceleration, Vz extruder + Goliath hotend.
What is inside this machine?
-VZ F3D carriage
-Mellow Goliath Hotend
-Dual Mellow VZ extruder for heavy 8Kg spools
-Moons Nema
-Custom Duct
-Mellow CPAP unit
-RATRIG 3030 extrusions
-Spannsystem Custom Bed plate
-Optical endstops
-John Steel aluminium custom plates
-750mm 1605 ballscrew
-Gates GT2 belt 9m
-PA12CF15 Fiberlogy Parts set
-Keenovo 600W x4
-Clinko 16A connector
-LDO-42STH48-2504AC x4
-LDO-57STH56 x3
Purchasable Mods
-Z-Upgrade 2.0
-CPAP Enclosure
-VZ Joiners
-BTT Manta M8p V2
-TMC 2209 24V
-CMA 8go Emmc 32
-350W Meanwell PSU

Bed assembly
Here we start with the bed adaptation, made by SpannSystem in Austria, a 10mm Alu casted bed 635x635mm with embedded magnets, surfaced to a high precision flatness. I choosed 4 silicone heater mat from Keenovo, 600 W each linked in parallel
Then came the insulation of this 2400W bed, to be as energy efficient as possible? A thermal silicone potting first...
.. then a full alu-foam cover
Some PEI tape to close the system. Here can be seen the addition of a full grounded harness capable of handling 16A + the bed thermistance

Frame Assembly
Like the previous Vulcain prototype, I used 30x30 alumium extrusion with a blind join mounting, giving me a quick and effective squareness. Everything is then reinforced with hiden corners, small corners, and the 2x 3mm aluminium plates at 90° add a tremendous stiffness. Note here that found to 40x40 or 30x60 could be a better idea to further increase the overall stiffness along Z
Frame base
Countersunk drilling

Z-Upgrade v2.5 assembly
For this buil a small variation of the Z-Upgrade has been done, since the bed is 18Kg almost; Pin majoration from 3mm to 4mm, Reinforced middle rings. The Oldham mechanism her is capable to withstanc 2.4mm of variation, and as the other Z-Upgrade variation, completly supress any wobbling potential
AWD inclusion
NEMA 23 is used for Z to counter any drawback of low maintening torque when motors are off

BRS-AWD 1.35a
AWD make sense here since we want to have a good acceleration and relay over the belt lenghts
Last patch here, a reinforced mount to add stifness over the assembly

Gantry, Toolhead, harness
The choice was obvious here: a Vz extruder + Goliath + Vz Carriage over an aluminium tube. The only difficulty was to handle a long harness, with cables, and CPAP Tube.
A long distance to cover
I use retractable wires (2) to hold the harness in a correct way to fold itself on motions without hiting anything

Assembly ends
Once everything has been finished, time to close the assembly of this machine for the first tests
Wiring done (electronic bay will not be detailed here)
Screen integration
Led Integration, first power On
Input Shaper
Some of the artifacts are mainly due to the ADXL345 position. Even if the place wasn't the best, it fits the toolhead and provide a correct reading. As far as it is, I'm OK with those results, considering the 12600 value is quite insane on a 600 machine. Thanks to the AWD.
Clear unspreaded spike